The story of Roys head
There was once a Roy and when we were young (but I think it remains to this day) was slightly hypochondriac. One day he happened to discover something strange in his skull and found it felt abnormal, so therefore he called right away and made an appointment at nearest healthcenter. Jag was not whit him during the actual visit to the doctor, but they explained calmy enough that all human skulls feels differently.
Roy had not suffered from some strange, fatal disease in which the skull changes shape or grow or something (if Roy is reading this Im sure his already passed out by now) but if youre still reading you can be completely calm. The truth is Roy has a fully functioning normally skull.
Then, when im already running, I can tell you that Roy once hit a bathroom wave in my head! How sweet is that!? So MY skull is forever damaged ... ;)
Hugs and kisses and congratulations on your nameday.
/ L
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Dear L.
SvaraRaderaI would like to start to say you look wonderful! Allthow it was a long time ago, and we were very young I´m truly sorry for the bathroomwave thing. I dont know what happned! Maeby i was worrying about my skull at that point.
Yours sincerly